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Job interview skills are crucial in getting the job. So, I’m guessing you feel sure about yourself and your skillset for that job interview. You want the job, and you are confident in your abilities to do the job. Your mind is not divided.


Okay, one of the secrets of the job interview which many people forget is that it is a two-way process. You are there to check them out as much as they are there to check you out. But this also extends to how the interview is run. I’ll get to that in a minute.

First impressions are important with anything. Our ability to make first impressions of people have all to do with schemas. Think of a schema as a guide. Schemas help us make sense of new situations or activities in a meaningful way. But this is more helpful if we are given the schemas before we encounter new information.

Give The Interviewer A Schema

So what’s this got to do with job interviews? Well, I have taken and been in many job interviews. And I can tell you in regards to taking notes some interviewers take none, others make a few scribbles and few are very diligent. If people are interviewing all day you want to help them to remember you, and why you are the best person for the job. This is where your job interview skills come in. Also, interviews don’t necessarily take a linear line, depending on the style of the interviewers. They can weave all over the place, and this may not give the interviewer the structure they need to make their decision.

So you can help the interviewer by giving them a schema. You do this by right at the beginning of the interview. You tell them why you are the best person for the job. This will enable the interviewer to interpret your employment potential early on in the meeting and this will help them shape how they remember their meeting with you. The schema acts as a guide for them on what to focus on, and what to take away from the initial meeting. This will help them remember you. And that is all it is, a guide.

We have schemas for everything. If you go to McDonald’s you know you line up at the counter and order your food, wait then got back to your seat to eat. For other restaurants, the guide is to wait to be seated and then the waiter/waitress will bring you a menu.

So get writing why you are good for that job keeping it relevant and concise. Also, keep it to 3 main points.

Think About What You Want to Say In The Job Interview Not What You Don’t

The next important thing to remember is to think about what you want to say, not what you don’t want to say. What do I mean? Think about if you are practising football. And someone tells you not to shoot at the goalie. You focus on the goalie and lo and behold what do you. The mind does exactly what you tell it to do. Full stop. Don’t doesn’t come into it.

So don’t think of this, a pink elephant riding a purple bike. You can’t help but think of it can you? Think only about what you want to say. Okay, you may say but the pressure will get to me and I just might blurt out all those things I shouldn’t. Then practise what you are going to say and get someone before hand to ask you tricky questions, practice under some pressure.

Most importantly what are you telling yourself? Remember you are choosing to do this interview and you are preparing yourself putting good pictures and words in your head. There is no space for any harmful thoughts. Weed them out and be the good gardener.

To find out about more about nailing that interview then schedule a free discovery call.

Go get that job.